The Core.
The Core is my starter package. I would recommend this package to anyone who is looking for professional branding for their business/personal venture/side hustle, yet is confident in their own creative skills to continue creating materials after my work is done. This package is sure to set you off on the right foot.
The Core package includes a Primary Logo and Secondary Logo (and any others that may be created during the design portion) in various color combinations. It also includes Wordmarks (the typographic element of your logo that does not include your icon - a.k.a. logo minus the icon) and Icons in various colors as well.
Each individual Brand Identity will include their unique color palette, branded fonts, and a Brank Book - which lays out the specific guidelines for correct usage of the materials.
This package is $400. No added costs, upfront fees or deposits needed!
Primary Logo.
Secondary Logo(s).
Wordmarks & Icons.
Color Palette.
Branded Fonts.
Brand Book.